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Fill in the simple information below and a temporary password will be sent immediately to the email address you provide.

Note: If you are registering to conduct a Domestic Violence MOSAIC, you are not required to use your real name.

Very Important:
  • Computer use can be monitored in many ways, and some people are very talented at finding private information. Among many examples, your browser history contains the websites you visit, and there are software programs that can secretly record everything done on a computer. If you feel your computer usage might be monitored, use a safer computer, perhaps one at the home of a trusted friend, or a computer at a public place.
  • Be sure the email address where we send your password cannot be read by anyone other than you. If you're uncertain, obtain a new email address for this purpose.
  • You'll be sent a temporary password. After you've gained access to MOSAIC, it's your responsibility to immediately change your password.
  • Select a password that nobody will be able to guess or figure out, no matter how well they might know you.
  • We commit that the email address and password you provide will not be used by us for any purpose other than ensuring your private access to this site.
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